
M&A Masters Podcast

with Patrick Stroth

Master the clean exit! Discover secrets of M&A Masters. You’ll hear inside interviews with M&A advisors, attorneys, investment bankers, private equity players, and the entrepreneurs themselves. If you ever want to sell your business this is a must-listen podcast.

Bob Goldsmith | Making Ambitions Reality

M&A is about helping clients make their ambitions a reality… That’s what Bob Goldsmith, Founder and President of Northern Edge Advisors, believes. In this episode, Bob will unpack what Northern Edge Advisors brings to the table for the lower middle market. He’ll also share: The importance of using a wide pool of buyers What it means to be long-term focused Why owners should start early with M&A And more Mentioned in this episode: https://www.linkedin.com/company/northern-edge-advisors/ https://twitter.com/BGoldsmithNE https://www.northernedgeadvisors.com/ Transcript Patrick Stroth: Hello there. I’m Patrick Stroth, trusted authority in executive and transactional liability and founder of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services, now a proud member of the Liberty Company Insurance Broker Network. Welcome to M&A Masters where I speak with leading experts in mergers and acquisitions. And we’re all about one thing here. That’s a clean exit for owners, founders and their investors. Today I’m joined by Bob Goldsmith, Founder and President of Northern Edge Advisors. Based in New York, Northern Edge Advisors offers business owners superior financial advice on all aspects of selling a business, from developing strategy to finding a purchaser to negotiating terms. And on each decision along the way, they lead their client to arrive at their ambitions, which is kind of why you’re doing this whole thing. Bob, thanks for joining me today. Bob Goldsmith: Patrick, thanks for having me here. Patrick: Now, before we get into Northern Edge Advisors, because you guys have cut a real nice niche for yourself in New York, let’s start with you. Okay, what led you to this point in your career? Bob: Great. So I started my career long time ago as a foreign policy analyst working on European security issues in the early 1990s. So probably a little bit eclectic. Then after receiving an MBA in finance and international business, I was fortunate enough

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Jonathan Saltzman | What is M&A like as an independent sponsor?

In this episode, I speak to Jonathan Saltzman, managing partner of Torque Capital Group, an independent sponsor that focuses on companies undergoing change or at inflection points where there are opportunities to create value.  Jonathan will share his insight on M&A for lower-middle-market automotive and manufacturing businesses.  He’ll cover:  Why Torque Capital became an independent sponsor  His experience with reps & warranties  How current challenges in the auto industry affect M&A  And more  Mentioned in this episode: https://www.torquecap.com  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-saltzman-97044a/  Transcript Patrick Stroth: Hello there. I’m Patrick Stroth trusted authority in executive and transactional liability and founder of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services, now a proud member of the Liberty Company Insurance Broker Network. Welcome to M&A Masters where I speak with the leading experts in mergers and acquisitions, and we’re all about one thing here. That’s a clean exit for owners, founders and their investors.   Today, I’m joined by Jonathan Saltzman, managing partner of Torque Capital Group. Headquartered in Connecticut, Torque Capital is an independent sponsor, that focuses on companies that are undergoing change, or inflection points where they are identifiable strategic, or operational opportunities to create value, which is a great reason for M&A. Jonathan, it’s great to have you here. Welcome to the podcast.  Jonathan Saltzman: Thank you, Patrick. Glad to be here.  Patrick: Now, we’ll get into Torque Capital Group in a minute, which is a really, really cool name. But let’s start with you. What led you to this point in your career?  Jonathan: Sure. I started in finance, I did some accounting for a big six firm, I did some investment banking with the old Salomon Brothers, and ultimately got into private equity, because I enjoy the aspect of building businesses. I enjoyed working with people. And you know, what I’ve learned over the years is there’s a lot less

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Peter Cook | Why Transparency is the Key to Success

  In this episode, I’m joined by Peter Cook of Everingham & Kerr, a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm that specializes in providing intermediary services for lower-middle market companies and entrepreneurs. Peter will share his philosophy around transparency and will also discuss: Mentioned in this episode: Transcript Patrick Stroth: Hello there. I’m Patrick Stroth, trusted authority in executive and transactional liability and founder of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services, now a proud member of the Liberty Company Insurance Broker Network. Welcome to M&A Masters where I speak with the leading experts in mergers and acquisitions, and we’re all about one thing here. That’s a clean exit for owners, founders and their investors. Today I’m joined by Peter Cook, Director of Everingham & Kerr. Founded in 1988, Everingham & Kerr is a merger and acquisition advisory firm that specializes in providing intermediary services for lower-middle market companies and entrepreneurs. And if anybody has been lucky enough to be on Everingham & Kerr’s feed showing their activity, they are prolifically active in the lower middle market M&A space. So it’s a real treat to have you. Peter, thanks for joining me today. Peter Cook: Thanks so much, Patrick. Appreciate it. Patrick: Now, before we get into Everingham & Kerr and just this voluminous amount of work that you guys are doing, let’s start with you. How did you get to this point in your career? Peter: Well, it’s been an interesting ride, Patrick. I started out as an attorney, way back when, and practiced for about five years. Was a member of the New Jersey Bar, and really was disenchanted with what I was doing. It wasn’t very exciting for me. And lo and behold, went to a Christmas party met somebody that was a big investor in a startup company in the mid 90s. And very

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Doug McCormick | How can M&A Masters tap into the power of human capital?

In this episode, I’m joined by Doug McCormick, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of HCI Equity Partners. He’ll give an inside look at his firm, which partners with family and founder-owned manufacturing, services, and distribution companies in the lower middle market. Doug will break down his firm’s unique strategy that transforms businesses through 3 initiatives. He’ll also share: Why human capital is a gamechanger How his firm’s history has shaped its strategy Why building a team is an art, not a science Insights about helping business owners build legacies And more Mentioned in this episode: https://www.hciequity.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglasmccormick/ Transcript Patrick Stroth: Hello there. I’m Patrick Stroth, trusted authority in executive and transactional liability and founder of Rubicon M&A Insurance Services. Now a proud member of the Liberty Company Insurance Broker Network. Welcome to M&A Masters where I speak with the leading experts in mergers and acquisitions. And we’re all about one thing here. That’s a clean exit for owners, founders and their investors. Today, I’m joined by Doug McCormick, managing partner and chief investment officer of HCI Equity Partners. Based in Washington, DC, HCI Equity Partners is a lower middle market private equity firm focused on partnering with family and founder-owned manufacturing services and distribution companies. And Doug it’s a great pleasure to have you. This is a much celebrated HCI Equity. Welcome to the podcast today. Doug McCormick: Hey, thanks so much, Patrick. I appreciate you having me on. And I look forward to the discussion. Patrick: Fantastic. Well, now, before we get into HCI Equity Partners, let’s set the table here with you. What brought you to this point in your career? Doug: Sure, sure. So first of all, I’ve been in the private equity industry for a little more than 20 years. I think, like many of your other guests, my

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Kelcey Lehrich | Succeeding in E-Commerce

Kelcey Lehrich | Succeeding in E-Commerce

How can M&A firms succeed in the e-commerce niche? Kelcey Lehrich, co-founder and CEO of 365 Holdings, is here to share how he provides e-commerce brands with a permanent home when entrepreneurs are seeking an exit.Kelcey also breaks down what makes consumer products thrive in the marketplace—and why you should treat e-commerce as a channel, not an industry.

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Ken Heuer | How Core Principles Guide Your Thinking

Ken Heuer | How Core Principles Guide Your Thinking

In M&A, having a set of core principles to guide your thinking is essential… Ken Heuer of Kidd & Company is here to share the firm’s 3 core principles and how they make business decisions simple. We also discuss ● What Kidd & Company brings to the table for the lower middle market ● The emergence of a new reps & warranties product to protect sellers ● And more Mentioned in this episode: ● http://kiddcompany.com ● kheuer@kiddcompany.com ● https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-heuer-6b16b3/

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Alan Clark- Why this major 2023 prediction is wrong

Alan Clark | Why This Major 2023 Prediction is Wrong

When your small business owner client is in a room full of MBAs, they can feel out of their depths… So how do you keep your client’s emotions in check during a high-stakes sale? Alan Clark is here to share his perspective as a sell-side advisor helping clients exit their businesses.Alan also reveals why he thinks a common 2023 M&A prediction is wrong—and weighs in on a new sell-side reps & warranties product.

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Clint Tripodi | How to Set a Strategy And Execute It.

Clint Tripodi | How to Set a Strategy And Execute It

As we prepare for the new year, it’s time to set your strategy… “What strategy?,” you might think, “We just need to make more money.” But a business without a strategy is destined for failure. Especially in today’s changing world, where an unexpected crisis could derail your business. And it’s not enough to set a strategy… You have to execute it, too. Liberty Company Insurance Brokers’ own Clint Tripodi is here to talk strategic planning facilitation and executive development. Clint will show you how to have a successful strategy session—and actually follow through on your plan.

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