Joe Finnerty | Best Practices for Rep and Warranty Insurance Claims

In our first podcast, listen as I interview the leading M&A litigator, Joe Finnerty of DLA Piper as we discuss claims in M&A.

One of the newest – and most effective tools – being used in mergers and acquisition deals today is Representations and Warranty insurance.

With this coverage, if there is a breach, the insurance company will pay the loss. The buyer has certainty of collection.

But do insurance companies actually pay claims?

In the experience of my guest Joe Finnerty, a litigation partner with law firm DLA Piper in New York City, insurance companies are happy to pay. You, as the buyer, just need to help them out a bit.

Find out…

  • Why you should be an “open book” with your insurer
  • How to get your claim paid faster, with the maximum amount
  • What data to send to your insurer first
  • The “education” you need to give your insurer for them to pay a claim
  • Ways a broker is an essential part of your claim

You can contact Joe directly at


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